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by dylan flynn
(federal way, wa)

this bastard is a depressing, greedy, selfish man. he is truly indisputable proof that the human race has devolved and is continuing to do so. him, and all of these other bastards who make the “nba cares” commercials epitomize the word hypocrite. they don’t care about helping the less fortunate, they care about how many zeroes are on their pay check. professional athletes, who offer no benefit to our society in any way, don’t play because they are not satisfied with $20 million a year. teachers in Tacoma, WA have to go on strike to make $50,000 a year. I read that the average American makes $1.6 million in their life. most of these athletes probably throw away more than that on a house. teachers, firefighters, police officers, farmers, e.r. doctors; the people who genuinely benefit our country go disgustingly underappreciated and underpaid. when I look at Lebron James he makes me think that forced sterilization is a good idea.


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