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Basketball Games to Play Online

There are many really interesting basketball games to play online these days.

It seems that the power as the Internet has even reached into the gymnasiums of the world and condensed everything and squeezes it all onto a CD-ROM!

That may be stretching the truth of bit that they are really fun games that you can play online for the sport of basketball.

RPG’s or Role-Playing Games and Stationary-Shot Games

These games are pretty much divided it into RPG’s or role-playing games and stationary-shot games. Some of the games feature independent player movements that are controlled either through a combination of mouse and keyboard or USB controllers.

With the explosion of media controller options as well as methods for accessing the Internet the basketball games that can be played online are virtually endless.

Candy Stand

Some of the more popular basketball games online include the ones located at This arcade-style game site has a really exciting and fun to play horse game as well as a couple other one-on-one and team orientated basketball games.

The game of H.O.R.S.E. allows a player to test your shot skills in a freestyle game of the traditional basketball favorite horse.


The instructions for this game of horse is to hold down the mouse button tin order to pull back the aiming arrow and then dragging the mouse to the desired position let go to release the ball. He shoots he scores!

With most of these types of basketball shooting games the mouse will be the only controller option required. There is even the ability to call a trick shot which is the essence of a game of horse in real basketball.

My Baller

To be fair and to give an example of the role-playing game RPG that you can play online we will select My Baller. This is an online basketball game where you are pitted against another player in order to win experience points that can be used to train your player. Once you have won a few games you can increase the height, strength, jumping, shooting, quickness and dribbling of your player.

There also is the ability to win play money that can be used to further assist your player. This is a really fun and easy game to learn and will provide hours of excitement for the diehard basketball fan that just can’t get outside today. You can access and play the game at

Two of the Hundreds of Online Basketball Games

These are only two of the hundreds of online basketball games that you can play right now if you so desire. All of these online basketball games are free to play and since they are online require only an Internet connection.

Search Google

Another way of finding great online basketball games that you can play day and night is to do a search on Google and type in online basketball games. What will be returned to you will be pages upon pages of options for playing the game of basketball on the Internet.

The only decision that you have to make is the one concerning the option of playing a quick game of horse to get warmed up or jump right into a traditional one-on-one or five on five RPG role-playing game?

You could even play both during the same Internet episode and have the best of both worlds! Make sure that you lace up your sneakers real tight and warm up before each and every game since this is how most injuries are prevented. Just kidding!



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