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Basketball Coaching Resume

The basis of developing a basketball coaching resume is to define the job description for a basketball coach. What exactly does a basketball coach do and what are his responsibilities?

A basketball coach is a person that develops a program that will ultimately lead to increased performance of each player and lead to overall increase in performance of the team. It is his duties to direct the efforts of assistant coaches and support staff in the implementation of the devised strategy.

A coach must understand the rulebook, must possess leadership qualities that can lead a team to victory, have the organizational skills to produce practice plans that will support the philosophy of the program and most importantly have an in-depth understanding of each position and its requirements.

A coach will oversee the basic operation of the program and determine the best course of action for subordinates. Unfortunately, a good basketball coaching resume can only address the issues of team play, highlighting win-loss record and success in tournament play. A coach cannot separate applying for a coaching position as being different than applying for any job.

The primary goal of the resume is to secure an interview. It is not to tell the hiring Athletic Director, Board of Education, or Board of Trustees every aspect of your coaching career or the salary you are looking for. A resume is your calling card. It is a written document that makes you a standout candidate for the available position.

If you secure an interview it simply means that you fit the profile, are qualified and interesting enough to meet in person. Most jobs are lost at the interview stage, where employers get a feel for you, your philosophies and work ethic. When writing a resume the target audience should never be overlooked. You may want to omit items that will not add to your attractiveness as a candidate.

The so-called fluff should be avoided and the nuts and bolts of your coaching career and successes must be the most prominent. The cover letter goes hand in hand with the resume. The cover letter affords you the opportunity to speak candidly about your coaching philosophy. This is the opportunity to give the employer confidence that they can hand over young student-athletes or adults to you.

In the cover letter you can address the essential areas of concern for the employer. If written for a college Athletic Director that is concerned about student-athlete grades, you can touch upon evidence where you put grades before the game or how you obtained a tutor for your standout point guard.

If the Athletic Director thinks the team should be more defensive minded you can discuss your defensive philosophies and how you intend to improve that characteristic of the team.

A cover letter can act as a preamble to your resume. The resume should be divided into two distant sections. Section one will outline your educational background, including pertinent curriculum, certifications, clinics and any advanced learning. Educational background can also include any management education, general coaching education and specific coaching education. Section two will outline your coaching experience, starting with the most recent.

As an adjunct to each position held, a brief description of your responsibilities should be included. You have to sell yourself in the interview. A quality and interesting cover letter and resume will help you get the interview.



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