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Mark Baker Bio

Mark baker is one of the retired American basket ball players who played fantastic basket ball in his times.

He was born on November 11, 1969. He played some awesome basket ball which started from his childhood and finishes at professional level.

He did not appear in playoff games that actively but he does have played some active basketball game from his teenage. He was having some in born skills of basket ball moves which he was used to make in the court.

He was used to play well within his limits by making his expertise and skills coming in to play. He was an active player in the court and grew up with the dream to take his passion in to professional career. Mark baker finally did it by playing at professional level in 1998 to 1999 where he played a game at professional level against Toronto.

Although he do not have that big career but there do lays some strenuous struggle behind his appearance as a professional in the court.

Mark baker was one of the strenuous supersonics of his age as he was used to cruise in the court with ball in his hand and basket to go for. He never hesitated to put some slam dunks while putting his rivals on to fire. He was used to generate heat through his blistering performance in the court.

He started to do it for his school team at school career of basket ball play and the trend continues for this man unto his college level. Baker did it at his college basket ball career as well.

He started his college education at Ohio State where he earned more fame as a player than as a student. He was no doubt one of the hard working students among his fellows but his participation in the game can never be forgotten as baker was used to bake his rivals by generating heat in the court.


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